Thursday 15 April 2010


Few pics I've taken recently, spring's here, role on summer :)

Pitville Degree show

Advertisement poster for the Pitville Degree Show, the concept is about branching out into different creative possibilities.

Monster Munch

My brief was to make the Monster Munch packaging more appealing to the 18-24 year old market. With the large majority of people seeing this product as nostalgic I used the slogan 'taste of the 80's' to persuade people into buying the product as a memory. To remember how they tasted as a kid with 80's items tied in with the characters, such as a moustache and tape deck.


Working in pairs for a YCN awards brief we came up with a numbering system for the Castrol range, which makes selecting the right oil for your car much easier. Typing your registration into the system brings up your car details and the Castrol oil number you need. Keeping brand loyalty while speeding up and simplifying the buying process.


Little magazine I created. Using my own photography and text I designed a small magazine dedicated to the VW scene. Giving people an insight....

Creating a Difference

Here's a piece of work designed as direct mail to send out to possible companies I'd like to work with. The whole idea being that I'm an 80's child, with cassettes being as big as cheesy song lyrics. Its just a little something to get people smiling while making contacts.